Monday, March 5, 2012

Research on Documentary

City SquareMission Statement:
CitySquare exists to fight the root causes of poverty by partnering with those in need. Working together as a community, we feed the hungry, heal the sick, house the homeless and renew hope in the heart of our city.
They are a Christian company, and they believe that there is only one faith and that is Christianity.
Began in 1988, became non profit in 1990.
Also present in san Antonio and Austin.
They reached over 43,000 people in 2011.
HUNGER, HOUSING, HOPE, HEALTH are all of the regions that they provide help in.
HUNGER: problem with child hunger. durning summer when kids no longer get free lunches at school, they provide food to the children. 84% of DISD kids qualify for free lunches. Food on the Move. They also have a Food Bank open to communities.
HOUSING: provide permanant housing to people. while living with them, they provide classes on these ten things that help the people learn how to live and succeed on their own.
  • Self-Care and Living Skills

  • Managing Money

  • Social Network and Relationships

  • Drug and Alcohol Misuse

  • Physical Health

  • Emotional and Mental Health

  • Meaningful Use of Time

  • Managing Tenancy and Accommodation

  • Offending

  • Motivation and Taking Responsibility

  • HOPE: they help people gain equality by educating them on the legal systems and such and this helps the non profit achieve one of their main goals, renew hope for the chronically homeless
    HEALTH: they provide health services to people without health insurance. the main set back is that they lack the space and or resources to fully reach the 600,000 without health insurance.

    DISD Homeless Education Program
    Mark Pierce is the head. They are trying to offset the recent budget cuts and closing of elementary schools in DISD. They are in need of donations for the schools who will now have even larger numbers of children in poverty. The children will have little supplies when the time comes for school to start this next year. The McKinney-Vento Act provides the funding for homeless DISD students and their families, if they have any.